May the universe conspire in your favor
May the universe conspire in your favor

may the universe conspire in your favor

Doing these things will have a profoundly healing effect on you. When you’ve compiled your list, I encourage you to do as Sexton did: Express your appreciation perhaps even send no-strings-attached gifts. You are one.” In this spirit, Leo, and in accordance with astrological omens, I invite you to take an inventory of the great souls in your life: the people you admire and respect and learn from and feel grateful for people with high integrity and noble intentions people who are generous with their precious gifts. She told him, “There are a few great souls in my life. 22): The poet Anne Sexton wrote a letter to a Benedictine monk whose real identity she kept secret from the rest of us. “It consistently places before you the right and perfect people, circumstances, and situations with which to answer life’s only question: ‘Who are you?’” In my book Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings, I say much the same thing, although I mention two further questions that life regularly asks, which are: (1) What can you do next to liberate yourself from some of your suffering? (2) What can you do next to reduce the suffering of others, even by a little? As you enter a phase when you’ll get ample cosmic help in diminishing suffering and defining who you are, I hope you meditate on these questions every day. (June 21-July 22): “The universe conspires in your favor,” writes author Neale Donald Walsch. I think you will benefit from the influence of your inner fox - the wild part of you that is ingenious, cunning, and resourceful.

may the universe conspire in your favor

I propose that you regard the fox as your spirit creature for the foreseeable future. Sometimes they’re thought of as perpetrators of pranks, but more often they are considered helpful messengers or intelligent allies. (May 21-June 20): In indigenous cultures from West Africa to Finland to China, folklore describes foxes as crafty tricksters with magical powers. In my view, it’s time for you to become a connoisseur of YES, a brave explorer of the bright mysteries of YES, an exuberant perpetrator of YES. 20-May 20): Taurus poet Vera Pavlova writes, “Why is the word yes so brief? It should be the longest, the hardest, so that you could not decide in an instant to say it, so that upon reflection you could stop in the middle of saying it.” I suppose it makes sense for her to express such an attitude, given the fact that she never had a happy experience until she was 20 years old, and that furthermore, this happiness was “unbearable.” (She confessed these sad truths in an interview.) But I hope you won’t adopt her hard-edged skepticism toward YES anytime soon, Taurus. Favor what’s earthy, raw, and unadorned over what’s spectacular, idealized, and polished. I suggest that in the coming weeks, you opt for the “vulgar” Mona Lisa, not the “heavenly” one, as your metaphor of power. Renaissance artists commonly created “heavenly” and “vulgar” versions of the same subject. Made by da Vinci’s student, it was probably inspired by a now-lost nude Mona Lisa painted by the master himself. It depicts the same woman, but she’s unclothed. In that same museum is a less renowned version of the Mona Lisa. It’s hanging in the Louvre museum in Paris. 19): Created by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century, the Mona Lisa is one of the world’s most famous paintings.

May the universe conspire in your favor